Näytetään tekstit, joissa on tunniste BREATHING. Näytä kaikki tekstit
Näytetään tekstit, joissa on tunniste BREATHING. Näytä kaikki tekstit
maanantaina, syyskuuta 10, 2012
Laulun ja hengityksen dialogi kehossa
...Niin ja tosiaan, tarkoitukseni olisi noista tunteiden vaikutuksista äänenmuodostukseen vielä kirjoittaa lisää, koska se nimenomaan vaikuttaa äänen luonnolliseen syntymiseen, kestoon ja äänialan laajentumiseen. Inspiraatio sinänsä hengityksessä tulee ja sitä voi käyttää itseään riemastuttamaan milloin tahansa jos kaipaa piristystä sillä mikäpä on ihanampaa kuin onnen "kurina ja pörinä" rintakehässä ja koko elimistössä, sitä se on kun happi löytää oikeisiin paikkoihin ja avaa lukkoja.
sunnuntai, syyskuuta 02, 2012
3/3 The Excitement of Breathing
I had now understood how the breathing worked muscularly and physically but when I started to sing something did not connect. Then it was time for Päivi, the singing teacher, to poke me again.
"Now you feel the breath, but what about the song? Aren't you telling something with it?"
perjantaina, elokuuta 31, 2012
2/3 The Lesson
...of singing
turned into a lesson of breathing and presence.
And even better into a lesson how to motivate yourself, go from passive existing into active being and therefore it took me into the origin of inspiration.
@Ringofirefly |
"Your breathing seems passive as well as your singing. Actually you've quite a passive body and presence. "
torstaina, elokuuta 30, 2012
1/3 The Origin of Inspiration
© Jenny Earnest 2012 |
Is the origin of breath.
@violeta en pausa, a photo by A6U571N on Flickr. |
"Don't wait for it, just do it
as you did yesterday,
as you did minute go,
as you do it now,
@Ilse Moore Photography |
it's the most natural thing for you to do."
In`spi*ra"tion (?), n. [F. inspiration, L. inspiratio. See Inspire.]
1. The act of inspiring or breathing in; breath; specif. (Physiol.), the drawing of air into the lungs, accomplished in mammals by elevation of the chest walls and flattening of the diaphragm; -- the opposite of expiration.
2. The act or power of exercising an elevating or stimulating influence upon the intellect or emotions; the result of such influence which quickens or stimulates; as, the inspiration of occasion, of art, etc.
3. (Theol.) A supernatural divine influence on the prophets, apostles, or sacred writers, by which they were qualified to communicate moral or religious truth with authority; a supernatural influence which qualifies men to receive and communicate divine truth; also, the truth communicated.
- Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913 + 1828)
- Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913 + 1828)
There's something for you to chew and think about at first glance.
I don't want to make you choke at the first bite
To be continued...
tiistaina, elokuuta 28, 2012
2# Upcoming Goodies
Have you ever had problems in motivation, inspiration?
Yeah, I was guessing that too. It's an usual symptom among creative people too. There's also an enormous amount of good and not so good advice about getting rid of creativity blocks in several books, blogs, aforisms, improvisation classes and so on... And I will add one up here in my blog since I've never seen one of this kind before. Just wait! You'll be amazed by the sheer simplicity!
© Jenny Earnest 2012 |
Yeah, I was guessing that too. It's an usual symptom among creative people too. There's also an enormous amount of good and not so good advice about getting rid of creativity blocks in several books, blogs, aforisms, improvisation classes and so on... And I will add one up here in my blog since I've never seen one of this kind before. Just wait! You'll be amazed by the sheer simplicity!
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